Plug-In Installation Locations

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If you want to install manually there are four different locations that you can install FileMaker plug-ins, depending on where you need them to run:

  • FileMaker Pro, for use in scripts run on client side
  • FileMaker Server, for use in scheduled scripts or when using Perform Script On Server
  • FileMaker Server Web Publishing Engine, for use in scripts in IWP (Only in FileMaker 12 or before)
  • FileMaker Server Custom Web Publishing, for use in scripts triggered through the PHP or XML engines, or in WebDirect

When using the Install Plug-In File script step, the plug-in will be automatically installed in the location for the context that the script is run in. For example, if you run a script including the Install Plug-In File script step in a scheduled script, the plug-in will be installed in the FileMaker Server location for your platform.

Please read the notes below the table for additional information on the different locations.

Platform FileMaker Version FileMaker Product File Type Installation Location
Windows XP
Windows Server 2003
FileMaker 11 FileMaker Pro[Advanced] .fmx C:\Documents and Settings\[user_name]\LocalSettings\ApplicationData\FileMaker\Extensions

(Legacy) C:\Program Files (x86)\FileMaker\FileMaker Pro [Version] [Advanced]\Extensions

FileMaker Server .fmx C:\Program Files\FileMaker\FileMaker Server\Database Server\Extensions
Web Publishing .fmx C:\Program Files\FileMaker\FileMaker Server\Web Publishing\publishing-engine\wpc\Plugins
Custom Web Publishing .fmx C:\Program Files\FileMaker\FileMaker Server\Web Publishing\publishing-engine\cwpc\Plugins
FileMaker 12 FileMaker Pro[Advanced] .fmx (New) C:\Documents and Settings\[user_name]\LocalSettings\ApplicationData\FileMaker\FileMaker Pro[Advanced]\[version]\Extensions

(Old) C:\Documents and Settings\user_name\Local Settings\Application Data\FileMaker\Extensions\
(Legacy) C:\Program Files (x86)\FileMaker\FileMaker Pro [Version] [Advanced]\Extensions

FileMaker Server .fmx C:\Program Files\FileMaker\FileMaker Server\Database Server\Extensions
WPE/WPE x64 .fmx/.fmx64 C:\Program Files\FileMaker\FileMaker Server\Web Publishing\publishing-engine\wpc\Plugins
Custom Web Publishing .fmx64 C:\Program Files\FileMaker\FileMaker Server\Web Publishing\publishing-engine\cwpc\Plugins
Windows Vista
Windows 7
Windows 8
Windows Server
FileMaker 11 FileMaker Pro[Advanced] .fmx C:\Users\[user_name]\AppData\Local\FileMaker\Extensions

(Legacy) Macintosh HD/Applications/FileMaker Pro 11 [Advanced]/Extensions/

FileMaker Server .fmx C:\Program Files\FileMaker\FileMaker Server\Database Server\Extensions
Web Publishing .fmx C:\Program Files\FileMaker\FileMaker Server\Web Publishing\publishing-engine\wpc\Plugins
Custom Web Publishing .fmx C:\Program Files\FileMaker\FileMaker Server\Web Publishing\publishing-engine\cwpc\Plugins
FileMaker 12 FileMaker Pro[Advanced] .fmx (New) C:\Users\[user_name]\AppData\Local\FileMaker\FileMakerPro[Advanced]\[version]\Extensions

(Old) C:\Users\[user_name]\AppData\Local\FileMaker\Extensions\
(Legacy) C:\Program Files (x86)\FileMaker\FileMaker Pro [Version] [Advanced]\Extensions

FileMaker Server .fmx C:\Program Files\FileMaker\FileMaker Server\Database Server\Extensions
WPE/WPE x64 .fmx/.fmx64 C:\Program Files\FileMaker\FileMaker Server\Web Publishing\publishing-engine\wpc\Plugins
Custom Web Publishing .fmx64 C:\Program Files\FileMaker\FileMaker Server\Web Publishing\publishing-engine\cwpc\Plugins
FileMaker 13+ FileMaker Pro[Advanced] .fmx or .fmx64 (New) C:\Users\[user_name]\AppData\Local\FileMaker\FileMakerPro[Advanced]\[version]\Extensions

(Old) C:\Users\[user_name]\AppData\Local\FileMaker\Extensions\
(Legacy) C:\Program Files (x86)\FileMaker\FileMaker Pro [Version] [Advanced]\Extensions

FileMaker Server .fmx64 C:\Program Files\FileMaker\FileMaker Server\Database Server\Extensions
Web Publishing .fmx64 C:\Program Files\FileMaker\FileMaker Server\Web Publishing\publishing-engine\cwpc\Plugins
DataAPI .fmx64 C:\Program Files\FileMaker\FileMaker Server\Web Publishing\publishing-engine\wip\Plugins\
Mac OS X FileMaker 11 FileMaker Pro [Advanced] .fmplugin Macintosh HD/Users/[user_name]/Library/Application Support/FileMaker/Extensions

(Legacy) Macintosh HD/Applications/FileMaker Pro 11 [Advanced]/Extensions/

FileMaker Server .fmplugin Macintosh HD/Library/FileMaker Server/Database Server/Extensions
Web Publishing .fmplugin Macintosh HD/Library/FileMaker Server/Web Publishing/publishing-engine/wpc/Plugins
Custom Web Publishing .fmplugin Macintosh HD/Library/FileMaker Server/Web Publishing/publishing-engine/cwpc/Plugins
FileMaker 12 FileMaker Pro [Advanced] .fmplugin (New) Macintosh HD/Users/[user_name]/Library/Application Support/FileMaker/FileMaker Pro [Advanced]/[version]/Extensions

(Old) Macintosh HD/Users/[user_name]/Library/Application Support/FileMaker/Extensions/
(Legacy) Macintosh HD/Applications/FileMaker Pro 12 [Advanced]/Extensions/

FileMaker Server .fmplugin Macintosh HD/Library/FileMaker Server/Database Server/Extensions
Web Publishing .fmplugin Macintosh HD/Library/FileMaker Server/Web Publishing/publishing-engine/wpc/Plugins
Custom Web Publishing .fmplugin Macintosh HD/Library/FileMaker Server/Web Publishing/publishing-engine/cwpc/Plugins
FileMaker 13+ FileMaker Pro [Advanced] .fmplugin (New) Macintosh HD/Users/[user_name]/Library/Application Support/FileMaker/FileMaker Pro [Advanced]/[version]/Extensions

(Old) Macintosh HD/Users/[user_name]/Library/Application Support/FileMaker/Extensions/
(Legacy) Macintosh HD/Applications/FileMaker Pro 13 [Advanced]/Extensions/

FileMaker Server .fmplugin Macintosh HD/Library/FileMaker Server/Database Server/Extensions
Web Publishing .fmplugin Macintosh HD/Library/FileMaker Server/Web Publishing/publishing-engine/cwpc/Plugins
Data API .fmplugin Macintosh HD/Library/FileMaker Server/Web Publishing/publishing-engine/wip/Plugins/
Linux FileMaker 19+
FileMaker Server .fmx /opt/FileMaker/FileMaker Server/Database Server/Extensions
Web Publishing .fmx /opt/FileMaker/Filemaker Server/Web Publishing/publishing-engine/cwpc/Plugins
Data API .fmx /opt/FileMaker/FileMaker Server/Web Publishing/publishing-engine/wip/Plugins/


Library folder in Mac OS

The "Library" folders shown in the paths for the Mac operating system are hidden by default. You will either need to unhide folders or use the Go to Folder option under the Go menu in Finder to navigate to these folder

New, Old, and Legacy Locations

All three locations will be checked for plug-ins in current versions of FileMaker Pro and FileMaker Pro Advanced. However, the "Install Plug-In File" script step supports only the New locations listed above. The order in which the installation of plug-ins is checked is as follows:

  1. Legacy Location
  2. New Location
  3. Old Location

If an installed plug-in does not work as expected, verify that multiple versions of the same plug-in have not been installed in multiple places on your system. In most cases, it is only necessary to have a single version of a plug-in installed for a given version of FileMaker Pro or FileMaker Pro Advanced.

FileMaker Web Publishing Engine

Plug-ins must be installed the Web Publishing Engine in order to invoke them from Instant Web Publishing. The Plugins folder may not exist -- just create it and put the plug-in there. Do not confuse this folder with the already existing "Extensions" folder. When installing manually, you should stop the Web Publishing Engine, install, and start the Web Publishing Engine, which can be done through the Admin Console. This location is obsolete in FileMaker 13+ since IWP has been deprecated.

FileMaker Custom Web Publishing

Plug-ins must be installed in Custom Web Publishing for use in scripts triggered by the FileMaker API for PHP or XML, which allow more control over the way your data displays in web browsers. The CWP location is also used for use in WebDirect in FileMaker 13+. When installing manually, you should stop the Web Publishing Engine, install, and start the Web Publishing Engine, which can be done through the Admin Console, or using the fmsadmin command line tool.

FileMaker Server

For most plug-ins, the primary reason to install them on FileMaker Server is to use them with scheduled scripts or with Perform Script on Server in 13+. There are a few plug-ins, such as AdminAnywhere, which perform other functions on the server. Do not confuse the "Database Server" folder with the "Database Server x64" folder sometimes found with installations of FileMaker Server. If installing manually, you should restart the FileMaker Script Engine (FMSE) after installing the plug-in. This can be done using the "fmsadmin restart fmse" command from the command line. Alternatively, you can restart the database server from the Admin Console, but this will disconnect any users from your databases.