Template:Payment profiles

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Payment profiles allow you to save payment information straight to the gateway for future use. To create a payment profile, call either CCProfileCreatePayment or CCProfileCreatePaymentACH, depending on whether the payment profile is a credit card or ACH. Credit cards are created with CCProfileCreatePayment and updated with CCProfileUpdatePayment.

CCProfileCreatePayment CCProfileUpdatePayment
merchantAccount merchantAccount
transactionKey transactionKey
customerProfileId customerProfileId
cardNumber paymentProfileId
expirationDate cardNumber

Returns: CCProfileCreatePayment or CCProfileCreatePaymentACH returns the payment profile ID used to reference the newly created profile if successful, or "ERROR" if there was a problem.

Returns: CCProfileUpdatePayment returns a 1 on success, or ERROR if there was a problem.

After creation, payments can be retrieved with CCProfileGetPayment. Certain gateways can validate a payment with CCProfileValidatePayment. Payments can be deleted with CCProfileDeletePayment.

CCProfileGetPayment CCProfileValidatePayment CCProfileDeletePayment
merchantAccount merchantAccount merchantAccount
transactionKey transactionKey transactionKey
customerProfileId customerProfileId customerProfileId
paymentProfileId paymentProfileId paymentProfileId

Returns: CCProfileValidatePayment and CCProfileDeletePayment return a 1 on success, or ERROR if there was a problem.

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