Template:USA Optional Parameters

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Click Expand to see the list of optional parameters:
Parameter Description
verificationCode the numeric verification code on the credit card. This is also known as Card Security Code (CSC), Card Verification Value (CVV), Card Verification Value Code (CVVC), Card Verification Code (CVC) or Verification Code (V-Code/V Code)
invoiceNumber an arbitrary invoice number for your records
poNumber an arbitrary invoice number for your records
chargeDescription brief description of the charges
customerId an arbitrary customer ID for your records
currency the currency used in the transaction
orderId an arbitrary order number for your records
firstName First (given) name of the credit card holder
lastName Last (surname) of the credit card holder
email the card holder's email address
phone the card holder's phone number
fax the card holder's fax number
companyName the billing company name
address the billing address
address2 the second line of the billing address
city the billing address city
state the billing address state
zip the billing address zip
country billing address country
shipFirstName the shipping recipient's first name
shipLastName the shipping recipient's last name
shipEmail the shipping recipient's email
shipPhone the shipping recipient's phone
shipFax the shipping recipient's fax number
shipCompanyName the shipping company name
shipAddress the shipping street address
shipAddress2 the shipping address second line
shipCity the shipping address city
shipState the shipping address state
shipZip the shipping address zip
shipCountry the shipping address country
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