Zulu Contacts Limitations

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Related Contact Fields

Even though FileMaker can make use of related records for phones, emails and addresses, Google can not. There is just a single Contact record in Google, so related information in FileMaker is written to the single Contact record in Google, and in the process any additional information in the related records is lost. To deal with this, Zulu needs to delete and rewrite the related records in FileMaker if they are edited in Google. Since they are being rewritten, any information not stored in one of the Google fields will be lost. This includes the primary key of the related record, and can present some limitations for certain data models.

Contact Phone Numbers

Google can only sync a subset of phone, fax, and email information about a contact. From Google's FAQ: "The iOS device can synchronize up to 3 email addresses. Phone number synchronization is limited to 2 Home numbers, 1 Home Fax, 1 Mobile, 1 Pager, 3 Work (one will be labeled 'Company Main') and one Work Fax number." Limit your labels to match the Exchange rules and they should synchronize, although you may need to experiment with the order. Leaving them blank in FileMaker and allowing Exchange / Google / Zulu to assign them works as well.

Country Codes

Google only supports two digit Country Codes in Contact address information. Please make sure you map a field with these codes rather than the Country name. Attempting to sync with a full Country name will cause a syncing error. Supported Country Codes

Contact Sync from iPhone can be slow

When you make changes to a contact record on your iPhone it can take a while before that edit is seen in Google Contacts. This isn't something Zulu controls, of course: as soon as the edit makes it to Google Contacts, Zulu will pickup that edit and send it to FileMaker (if you have Zulu sync running automatically). So to trouble shoot things, check Google Contacts to make sure it has received the edits from you iPhone before wondering why edits haven't made it to FileMaker.

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