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Payflow Pro (PayPal) Gateway

Correct use of "partner" and "user" optional parameters

Depending upon the setup of your merchant account in the PayPal Manager, the partner and user optional parameters might be necessary in order to process a credit card transaction using the Plastic plugin.


  • Required only if you have set up an additional user in PayPal Manager and you wish to perform transactions as that user.


  • Contains either VeriSign, PayPal or the name (ID) of the reseller/company from which you purchased the Payflow Pro service. Required only if your partner is anything other than PayPal.

"Invalid vendor account" error

Usually caused when the partner is something other than PayPal and has been omitted or entered incorrectly.

"User authentication failed" error

Can be caused by a number of factors.

  • Make sure that you are providing the proper login credentials.

$merchantAccount ;
$transactionKey ;	
"1.23" ;					
"371449635398431" ;			
"0809" ;					
  • In the above example, $merchantAccount would be the Merchant Login ID used to access PayPal Manager, $transactionKey would be the password used to access PayPal Manager and the optional parameter called partner is required because its value is not equal to "PayPal."
  • Determine whether the IP address of the machine you are using to process transactions has been added to the list of Allowed IP Addresses in PayPal Manager.
    • If you log into PayPal Manager, click the Service Settings tab and click the Allowed IP Addresses link, you will see a screen that allows you enter IP addresses from which transactions may originate. If all of the fields on this screen are empty, then there are no IP address restrictions for the account.
    • Do not confuse the Allowed IP Addresses link under the Service Settings tab with a similar link under the Account Administration tab. The latter Allowed IP Addresses link will take you to a screen that allows you to restrict which IP addresses may log into PayPal Manager.
  • Determine whether a separate transaction password has been configured in PayPal Manager.
    • If you log into PayPal Manager and click the Account Administration tab, you will see a link called Change Password. If you click the link, you will see a screen that will indicate whether a separate password has been configured for processing Payflow Pro transactions.
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