Send us logs

From 360Works Product Documentation Wiki
Revision as of 21:50, 2 December 2019 by Ryan (Talk | contribs)

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If you are experiencing any issues with 360Works products, it is common for us to request logs in order to trouble shoot the issue. How to send these logs will vary depending on what product you are using. Some products have an automated way of sending the logs while others will require that you manually attach the logs to an email. If the automated process does not work you will need to send the logs manually. In general, unless specified otherwise, send an email to with the logs attached. This will create an official support ticket for you in our support system. In the email please be sure to include as many details as possible. It will help if you include the operating system, version of FileMaker, the product and the version of it this issue pertains to and steps to reproduce the issue.


If you are using a plugin in FileMaker Pro, then you can use the Send Bug Report feature to send us the plugin logs and also create a ticket in our support system. To submit a bug report:

  1. Reproduce the issue
  2. Goto FileMaker Pro preferences.
  3. Select Plugins tab
  4. Select the plugin from list (highlight the line)
  5. Click Configure below the list
  6. Click Report a Bug button
  7. Fill out and send the bug report.

Please be sure to do this BEFORE any restarts of FileMaker as restarting will overwrite the logs

If you are seeing errors when executing plugins functions server side either via a schedule, perform script on server script step, or in web direct, you will need to submit your logs manually as there is no mechanism for sending a bug report. Please see the Plugin log files page for log locations. Attach the logs to an email and send it to . Please be sure to include as many details as you can and the steps to reproduce the issue if possible. Once our support system has processed your email, you will receive an automated response from us. If you do not receive this then make sure to check your junk folder in case it was put there automatically by your email client. If you did not receive it, please send the logs again. If you still did not, please call us and let us know and we can create a ticket for you.


MirrorSync has many ways to submit a bug report. Often, if MirrorSync encounters an issue it will pop up an error window and one of the options will be to send a bug report. You can also submit a bug report by going to the MirrorSync page in a browser and clicking on the "Send Problem Report and Log Files" link. This will create a ticket for you in our support system and include all relevant log files. If you do not have access to the MirrorSync page, you can manually submit your MirrorSync logs by sending them as an attachment for an email. MirrorSync log locations are as follows:

Mac /Library/360Works/Applications/logs

Windows C:\Program Files\360Works\Applications\logs

MirrorSync logs will follow the naming convention <name of MirrorSync instance>+<.>+<timestamp> so if you kept the default name of "MirrorSync" and the date the issue occurred was December 2nd 2019 then the log you would want to send would be called MirrorSync.2019-12-02.log .



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