Zulu - Working With Todos

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This page describes how to work with todos in Zulu, and shows examples of how they will appear in Apple Reminders



  • Zulu must be installed: Zulu - Installation
  • Your calendars must be published: How To Publish Calendars
  • A Todo Layout must be specified in at least one of your calendar records.
  • Recent versions of Apple Calendar and Apple Reminders require an SSL certificate installed on the Zulu server. You may need to install a valid certificate on your server in order for Apple Calendars to work with Zulu: Troubleshooting Adding Calendars

Todo Components

The Simplest Todo

The only thing a todo needs to be created, is the summary field filled out:

Zulu The Simplest Todo.png

Once this todo is marked complete, you will see the zulu_STATUS and zulu_COMPLETED fields populated automatically:

Zulu The Simplest Todo Completed.png

Using The Note and zulu_DUE Fields

The Note field allows for a bit more description about this todo, and this description will show in the Apple Reminder interface. The zulu_DUE allows you to specify a date when the todo is expected to be complete.

Zulu Todo With Note And Due Date.png

Using The Priority Field

The zulu_PRIORITY allows you to specify the urgency of this todo. Apple reminders uses numbers to correspond to the level of urgency:

  • 1 - High
  • 5 - Medium
  • 9 - Low
  • (empty field) - No Priority

Zulu Todo With Medium Priority.png

Using The Activity Field

The zulu_ACTIVITY is used to give the todo an actionable icon that can be clicked to perform some activity. This is best described through examples.

You can initiate a phone call from a todo by storing the value: "tel:7702349293" in the zulu_ACTIVITY field:

Zulu Todo With Call Activity.png

You can open a web page by storing the value "https://google.com"

Zulu Todo With URL Activity.png

You can use an fmp url to open a FileMaker database:

Zulu Todo With FMP URL Activity.png

Alarm Components

Timestamp Alarms

Timestamp alarms allow you to trigger a notification to the user at a specific date and time. You can supply a timestamp in the zulu_ALARM_TRIGGER_TIMESTAMP.

Only the timestamp needs to be supplied. When the alarm is created in Apple Reminders, Zulu automatically populates the alarms uuid back to FileMaker in the zulu_ALARM_TIMESTAMP_UUID.

Zulu Todo With Timestamp Alarm.png

Proximity Alarms

Proximity alarms allow you to trigger a notification to the user they arrive or depart a location.

Bare Minimum Proximity Alarm

At the minimum, the zulu_PROXIMITY, zulu_ALARM_LATITUDE, and zulu_ALARM_LONGITUDE need to be filled out. This will create a valid proximity alarm, but you will likely want to add some more details. As you can see from the screenshot, some of the fields show "null" and would look a little confusing to users.

Zulu Todo Bare Minimum Proximity Alarm.png

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