Zulu 2/Reset SyncData

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Resetting SyncData

Sometimes your SyncData becomes corrupted due to low disk space, or too much time has past since your last sync. The best way to resolve this is to reset your SyncData.

First, make sure you have Auto-Sync turned off. We don't want to running syncs while we are deleting events.

Second, make a backup of both your FileMaker File and your Google Calendar. The FileMaker file is absolutely essential if it is the most up to date.

Make a local backup


Export your Events table to a local file, this is helpful if some steps are missed and we need to start back at square one.

Google Calendar

Here is how to export a Google Calendar Export Google Calendar

Here is how to import those events back in if needed: Import Events into a Google Calendar

Determine which side of the sync is most up to date

Do your users primarily use FileMaker to input events? or Google? This will help in figuring out which side should be used to recover.

FileMaker is the most up to date

  1. Make sure you made a backup!
  2. Go to the Zulu Admin page.
  3. Click Reset Sync Data
  4. Run a sync. Zulu will attempt to match up events in Google and FileMaker based on Summary, Start Date, and Start Time. If these have not changed since Zulu went down, the merge will be successful and you can stop here.
  5. If the merge was not successful, since FileMaker is the most up to date, we need to clear out all the events in the Google Calendar without deleting it. Utilizing Zulu, we can do this.
  6. Delete all records in FileMaker, and run a sync. This will delete all events in Google, but keep the calendar intact. (Note: Sometimes Google will attempt to insert events into FileMaker when you do this because Google has a habit of modifying events after they are inserted. Just delete all events in FileMaker again, run another sync, repeat, until there are 0 events in both Google and FileMaker)
  7. Now restore your events table from that backup we made earlier (told you it would come in handy)
  8. Run one last sync, pushing all those imported events up to Google. Done!
  9. Run a couple manual syncs to confirm, but that should do it.

Google is the most up to date:

  1. To be safe, make a backup of your FileMaker database.
  2. Delete all events in FileMaker
  3. Go to the Zulu Admin page.
  4. Click Reset Sync Data
  5. Run a manual sync. This will bring all the events down from Google, restoring your sync.
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