Zulu 2 TimeZones

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Revision as of 19:14, 28 July 2015 by Will (Talk | contribs)

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Zulu will run by default in the time zone that the host machine is configured for; however, if the physical machine where Zulu is running is in a different time zone than the users of the calendar, times synced to Google can appear to be incorrect, so Zulu 2 has the option to adjust the server timeZone.

The time zone property is located in Zulu's context.xml descriptor file, which can typically be found in one of these locations:


C:\Program Files\360Works\Applications\conf\Catalina\localhost\zulu.xml



Once you locate the context descriptor file, you need to find this specific line:

<Parameter name="zulu.timezone" value="" override="false" />

And replace the empty value="" with a valid timezone string (a list of valid timezone strings can be found here).

For example:

<Parameter name="zulu.timezone" value="America/New_York " override="false" />

This change will require a restart of Tomcat, which can be accomplished using the 360Works Admin Tool

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