Zulu Address Book
Note: Zulu's Contact Sync is Back in Beta
Regretfully, we've just never been able to get the contact sync in Zulu to be reliable with Google Contacts. Some of this is that Google Contacts is changing and some if that contacts are inherently more complicated than calendar events (the calendar sync in Zulu is rock solid). So until we can get this rock solid we're demoting the contact sync to Beta and no longer supporting it.
We'll continue playing with this here but won't be able to help customers try and get it working: it just isn't reliable enough. At this point we don't have an ETA as to when this feature may be available again, if ever. Believe me, we wanted this to work as bad as you did.
Syncing FileMaker Contacts with the address book on your Mac.
Unfortunately, the Mac address book does not do this very well and can't sync the way the iPhone does. Before trying anything below, please backup your address book.
The main issue here is that while you can sync your iPhone's address book to Google using Exchange (and this works great) the address book on your mac currently uses a different engine and can't see Google as an exchange server.
What Not to Do.
Do not use the Google sync that is built into the Mac address book. This is an option under Prefrences / Accounts and there is a very tempting checkbox there that says "Synchronize with Google".
If you set this up, you'll end up merging your local address book contacts with your Google account and won't be able to subsequently untangle them. It is also possible that many of the contacts in your address book won't sync because they're malformed, breaking the sync between FileMaker and Google.
Again, attempt this at your own risk.
What to Do.
Use FileMaker.
You could obviously use FileMaker if you're on your Mac, at least until Apple updates the address book to use the same sync engine it uses on the iPhone.
Use Spanning Sync (unfortunately, not any more)
Spanning sync stopped working as of OS 10.4.7, so currently there is no truly easy way to sync contacts with your mac.
There are a couple of apps in the Mac App Store that claim to sync contacts with your Mac address book but as of this writing (Sept 24, 2012) none can sync every X minutes the way Spanning Sync did. Hopefully they will soon but as of right now, we can't provide support for any of these apps.
The following instructions are for those still using an OS prior to 10.4.7
1. Download the trial version of Spanning Sync and configure this to use your Google account.
2. Create a new group in your Mac's address book called "FileMaker Contacts" and then use this group in Spanning Sync's preferences:
You can set Spanning Sync to sync up with Google every x minutes. Even though we regret having to use a third party app for this, it works great! And best of all, your FileMaker contacts are in their own "group" in your address book so your personal contacts and whatnot don't make their way to Google nor to FileMaker unless you add them to the FileMaker Contacts group.