Zulu Troubleshooting

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Getting Setup with Zulu: InstallingInstalling as ServletInstalling the Plugin VersionZulu Google SetupIntegrating your file • ‎Zulu Sync • ‎Serving the Sample FileRegistrationInstalling Zulu Manually
About Zulu The big pictureLimitationsRequirementsDifferences between servlet and pluginHostingSecurity
Troubleshooting TroubleshootingTesting ConfigurationsUmlautsURLs Used By ZuluUpdatingLogs
Google Sync with Google • ‎Sharing a Google CalendarGoogle ContactsGoogle ResetAppointment Slots
Calendars Repeating EventsDate Ranges • ‎Read Only CalendarsDeleting EventsInvitationsSwitching CalendarsMultiple CalendarsPropertiesSee it in iCalMy site
Contacts Contact GroupsContacts IntegrationsRelated Contact FieldsAddress BookZulu Phone Fax Email
Does Zulu work with... AndroidBlackberryMultiple MachinesOutlookMobileMeiPhone
Extra Credit Adding FieldsTime ZonesDuplicating RecordsCalc FieldsAccess PrivledgesRefreshFilteringPost Editing ScriptsAlarms and notifications

What's Wrong?

Note that we have a special troubleshooting section for iPhone issues.

Zulu can take a couple of tries to get up and running because a lot of things have to line up: your FileMaker file and its accounts, your server's web publishing settings, etc. So if you can't get up right away, don't be discouraged. Take your time going through the steps below. To begin with there are a few things to keep in mind:

  • For installation troubleshooting, look here.
  • And don't forget it could just be taking a while for the event to refresh.
  • Restarting your FileMaker Server can solve a surprising number of issues.

If that doesn't help, let's begin...

Serve the sample file

If you're just starting with Zulu, make sure that you can get the ZuluSampleData file up and running on your server and that you can see it from iCal (we like to use iCal for testing as it's live, even if you'll be using Google eventually). Instructions for hosting and testing the sample file can be found here: Serving The Sample File.

If the sample file works and you can see its events in iCal, its' not your server, so move on to Is It Your FileMaker File below. If the sample file doesn't work, there is something going on with your server...

Is It Your Server?

There are a few things to check on your FileMaker Pro Server to make sure it is set up correctly:

  • Make sure you're not using self signed SSL certs.
  • Next, visit the Zulu home page at <youripaddress>/zulu (if you can't bring up that page, skip to the next bullet point below). Click on SyncAdmin and enter the Admin username and password you created for Zulu. Once you're at the Sync Admin page, click "test configuration" at the top of the page.
  • If you can't get to the Zulu home page, make sure XML Web Publishing is really working. From any machine try the URL below in Firefox (not Safari, which doesn't render XML).

It may take a few tries to find the correct IP address: you may have more than one IP for tha machine, or may need to add a port number. It all depends on how your server is set up. The key here is to find the URL that can see the web publishing engine and returns XML-- you'll use that URL in the following steps. If you see XML, you're all set. If you don't, XML Web Publishing is not running and if the admin console says it is, you may need to reinstall FileMaker Server...

  • If the ip address of the URL that works isn't the one that was being tried in our Publish script, edit that script to use the IP address / port number that showed you the XML above.
  • Next, get on the FileMaker Server itself, open a web browser and type in http://localhost/zulu (adding :8040 after local host if you're using the older plugin version). If that fails to bring up the Zulu information page then your web server is redirecting localhost and you'll need to make two changes:
1. Uninstall the plugin and install the servlet version if you haven't already.
2. Open the file below and replace the word "localhost" in zulu's settings with the IP address of your FileMaker Server (or the IP address of the Web Publishing Engine if that is installed on a separate machine) this is PROBABLY, the address that worked to show XML above:
For FileMaker Server 11
\FileMaker Server\Web Publishing\publishing-engine\cwpe-tomcat\conf\Catalina\localhost\zulu.xml
For FileMaker Server 12
\FileMaker Server\Web Publishing\publishing-engine\jwpc-tomcat\conf\Catalina\localhost\zulu.xml

Is it Your FileMaker File?

  • Begin by testing your configuration.
  • Double check the access privileges for the account you're logging in with. The privilege set used by this account needs access to the fmxml extended privilege: requirements. Note that if you're using a separated system you'll need the same account in both your UI file and data file(s), both of which need the fmxml extended privilege on. Your account name and password can't have any weird characters in them.], and iCal won't let you use a blank password.
  • Try using a full access account and see if you still have problems. If problems stop, take a close look at the privilege set that was causing you errors and make sure it can see and/or modify all the essential parts of Zulu (calendarlist records, events, etc.)
  • Make sure each of your ZuluCalendarList records has a unique zulu_uuid. This field can not be blank for any of these calendar records.
  • If you can't see a particular appointment because you duplicated it from an existing one you may have duplicate UUIDs. It may also be that the field you've mapped to Summary (the event title) is blank. It could also be that there is a "1" in your "deleted" field, or that the end date/time is before the start date/time.
  • Certain data issues can cause iCal Calendars to not refresh properly. Common issues are having an End Date with no Start Date, or an End Date before the Start Date.
  • The URL field is also very sensitive, and characters like spaces and carriage returns can cause refresh problems, Make sure a valid URL is in this field.
  • You may have iCal set to "Delete items more than 30 days old" this will put a 1 in the deleted field of every FileMaker record in your calendar. This can be great, but just be aware of it. Clear that deleted field to see the items again (and change your setting lest this keeps happening).
  • If you see something like this in iCal "Authentication of account xyz failed, please check your login and password information." it could be because...
iCal will ask you this the first time you login for a session (just like FileMaker asks for a password).
You may be running the plugin in Demo mode and the 2 hr demo period has expired: restart your FileMaker Server's Web Publishing component to get another 2 hrs. Or learn how to register the plugin here. This is also likely this issue if the server responded with "HTTP/1.1 400 No Host matches server name XYZ to operation CalDAVWriteEntityQueueableOperation."
  • If you can read your calendars but can't seem to write to them...
It could definitely be access privileges, so try creating your account in iCal with a Full Access account
Make sure you're not using the same field for your End date and time as for your Start date and time: these need to be separate fields.
  • If you're getting an error when you attempt to refresh in iCal, check the following:
If you're filtering, make sure the filter field name is spelled correctly in zulu_filterKey, that the field is in the events table, and is on your Field Mapping layout.
If this is the first time you're looking at the calendar in iCal, your event records must be editable by the logged in user. (After iCal has seen them once they can be read only. More in security.)
If you've recently duplicated a calendar as part of filtering double check the filtering requirements: we'll often forget to delete the calendar's properties before running the "publish" script.
And don't forget you can delete individual caldaveventlist records and try again.
If the error says that it iCal can't connect to the server, has timed out, or that you may need to check your internet connection, it could be that the calendar you're trying to fetch is too large and iCal has timed out. If you have a anything more than a thousand or so event records you should apply date range gates to your calendar and try again.
  • If everything is working and you can publish your file but can't get iCal to see your even our sample calendar, AND you've checked out your server's web publishing above, AND you're on a windows FileMaker Sever, there is a security setting you may want to change. This is pretty rare though. Go into IIS manager; get a list of modules; delete the module called 'WebDAV'.

Are you using Filemaker Server 11?

Filemaker Server 11 does not utilize HTTP Connectors, and in some cases you may have to set one up in order to use Zulu.

Here is a quick workaround that has worked in many cases though:

Navigate to:

(Mac) Macintosh HD/Library/360Works/Applications/webapps/zulu/META-INF

(Windows) C:/Program Files/360Works/Applications/webapps/zulu/META-INF

Open the file called context.xml

find this line:

<Parameter name="jdbc.host" value="" override="false" />

and change it to this:

<Parameter name="jdbc.host" value="" override="false" />

Try to access Zulu at http://localhost/zulu

You may have to restart your Web Publishing Engine.

Subscriptions not refreshing?

If you're using subscriptions to get read only calendars, you may find that the subscriptions don't reflect edits made in FileMaker. This is probably because you've downloaded the subscribed calendar instead of subscribing to it. When you get your subscription links on our Publish page, you need to copy the subscription URL, not click on it, and then move to iCal and select "Subscribe" from the calendar menu in iCal and enter the read only URL from the publish page.

Deployment Troubleshooting

  • When trying to add my account in Apple Calendar, Authentication fails with this message "Authentication failed. your username and password were rejected by the server"
    • Verify that you don't have an existing WebDAV or CalDAV service running on your server. These services will interfere with Zulu and cause authentication failure.

Zulu Logs

Catalina Logs

Zulu uses the Catalina Logs that are generated in the folder:

For FileMaker Server 11:

FileMaker Server / Web Publishing / publishing-engine / cwpe-tomcat / logs /

and For FileMaker Server 12:

FileMaker Server / Web Publishing / publishing-engine / jwpc-tomcat / logs /

A new log is generated every day and looks like catalina.2012-01-08.log.

Re-authenticate google account

NOTE: You MUST access Zulu on http://localhost/zulu in order to authenticate new Google accounts. Accessing the Sync Admin page to add Google accounts from a different machine is not currently supported.

  • access zulu on the machine it’s installed on using http://localhost/zulu
  • edit your existing google account mappings


  • remove the google account authentication


  • then re-authenticate with google