Zulu plugin differences

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What are the differences between running Zulu as a plugin and as a Servlet?

First of all, your users won't experience any difference (except for the URL described below) but there are some under the hood differences. These can best be understood as reasons why you might want to install the servlet version instead of the plugin version.

The servlet version offers these advantages:

  • The servlet is a much simpler install.
  • The servlet lets Zulu run without using port 8040, so your Zulu urls now begin simply http://<ip address>/zulu instead of http://<ip address>:8040/zulu This can make it easier to deploy Zulu in places where only port 80 is open because of firewall restrictions.
  • But this also means that moving from the plugin version to the servelet requires you to remove port 8040 from the publish URL in your file's publish script AND to tell your users to do the same in their iCal accounts.
  • Since the servlet uses IIS or Apache as its web server, Zulu can respect SSL on these machines.
  • The servlet offers us the ability to sync with Google Calendar.

What is a Servlet?

A servlet is a small application running along with the web server that is part of FileMaker Pro Server. FileMaker Server's Web Publishing engine stops and starts the servlet automatically so you don't need to worry about it.

Unlike a server side plugin, servelets have their own memory space and aren't "inside" FileMaker's Web Publishing space. This can mean they are slightly more stable, but that is really splitting hairs. You may already be familiar with such a servlet: SuperContainer is one.

Can I use the same file with the plugin version or the servlet version?

Yes, except that the url for the Publish script will be different (it won't need port 8040 in the url). Double check the first variable in the Publish script you imported into your file to make sure it knows if you're using the plugin or servelet version of Zulu.