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Setting this to "true", will cause Zulu to read and write records to FileMaker Server over SSL.  This only effects traffic between Zulu and FileMaker server, and has no effect on traffic between calendar clients and Zulu.  To enforce SSL between calendar clients and Zulu, you will need to install an SSL certificate in the web server where Zulu is running.  Setting this to "true" when Zulu and FileMaker Server are on the same machine is not generally useful, as traffic never leaves the machine.
Setting this to "true" will cause Zulu to read and write records to FileMaker Server over SSL.  This only affects traffic between Zulu and FileMaker server, and has no effect on traffic between calendar clients and Zulu.  To enforce SSL between calendar clients and Zulu, you will need to install an SSL certificate in the web server where Zulu is running.  Setting this to "true" when Zulu and FileMaker Server are on the same machine is not generally useful, as traffic never leaves the machine.

Revision as of 15:59, 8 July 2019

Zulu uses an xml file named zulu.xml to store additional configuration settings. These settings are outlined here, as well as the location of the xml file in default installations.

Locating The zulu.xml File

  • Mac default location:
/Volumes/Macintosh HD/Library/360Works/Applications/conf/Catalina/localhost/zulu.xml
  • Windows default location:
C:/Program Files/360Works/Applications/conf/Catalina/localhost/zulu.xml

Modifying The zulu.xml File

  • Any modifications to this file will not be picked up until the Zulu service is restarted. In some cases, such as "zulu.admin.email" and "google.client.id", changes will not be picked up until your sync configurations have been edited, and stepped through to the end to apply the changes. In this case, you will need to modify the zulu.xml file, restart zulu, then step through the configurations to apply the changes.
  • Sometimes on Windows, a user does not have permissions to modify the zulu.xml file. To get around this, save a copy to the desktop, modify it there, then paste it back into the original location, overriding the original file.
  • The Zulu installer will not overwrite a zulu.xml file if one exists already. In most cases this is beneficial, as customizations will not be lost when a new version of Zulu is installed. However, for the few times where you want to do a completely fresh install, make sure there are not old customizations in the zulu.xml file causing issues, as a new install will not wipe out the old xml file.

zulu.xml File Parameters


jdbc.username and jdbc.password are the default values to try if the user does not supply any username or password. In most cases, these should be left to these (presumably wrong) values, so that the world will not have access to your calendar data. However, if you would like to allow non-authenticated requests to access the calendar without providing a username and password, enter credentials that correspond to a FileMaker account with whatever privilege set you want to grant. This is useful for creating a public calendar where users would not need to enter credentials in order to access.

Zulu will need to be restarted for changes to take effect.


See jdbc.username above.

Zulu will need to be restarted for changes to take effect.


This is the address that Zulu will use when communicating with FileMaker Server. Zulu expects to be installed on the same machine as FileMaker Server, so by default this value is If you have Zulu running on a different machine, you can customize this value to point to your FileMaker Server's endpoint.

Zulu will need to be restarted for changes to take effect. Configurations will need to be re-stepped through in order to apply changes.


Setting this to "true" will cause Zulu to read and write records to FileMaker Server over SSL. This only affects traffic between Zulu and FileMaker server, and has no effect on traffic between calendar clients and Zulu. To enforce SSL between calendar clients and Zulu, you will need to install an SSL certificate in the web server where Zulu is running. Setting this to "true" when Zulu and FileMaker Server are on the same machine is not generally useful, as traffic never leaves the machine.


This is where MirrorSync stores all of it settings and internal sync data. Ideally, this should be on a fast SSD drive. If this parameter is empty, it will use the default location:

  • Windows: C:\Program Files\360Works
  • Mac: /Library/360Works
  • Linux: /var/lib/360works

You can copy the folder from the default install location and then change this setting to point to the new location.

Zulu will need to be restarted for changes to take effect.


This parameter is for supplying your own Google Api Key. The Google Client ID will go here.

Supplying your own Api Key allows you too get your own Api Quota, one that is not shared by other Zulu users.

Zulu will need to be restarted for changes to take effect. Configurations will need to be re-stepped through in order to apply changes.


This parameter is for supplying your own Google Api Key. The Google Client Secret will go here.

Supplying your own Api Key allows you too get your own Api Quota, one that is not shared by other Zulu users.

Zulu will need to be restarted for changes to take effect. Configurations will need to be re-stepped through in order to apply changes.


This will customize when you receive emails if there are issues with the sync. Valid options are:

  • WARNING - Receive emails when there were warning and records could not be written, but otherwise a successful sync.
  • SEVERE - Only receive emails when the sync failed outright and encountered an error it could not recover from.

Zulu will need to be restarted for changes to take effect. Configurations will need to be re-stepped through in order to apply changes.


Increase this value if you have a very large internal sync database and get this error message: "Data cache size limit is reached: 10000

Zulu will need to be restarted for changes to take effect.


The adminUsername and adminPassword parameters will be the credentials used when logging in to the Zulu Admin Console. The values here will override the ones set during installation.

The username and password for administering Zulu are normally set during the installer. However, in a hosted environment, Zulu is installed manually. You will need to enter a username and password here for administering Zulu if you do a manual installation.

Zulu will need to be restarted for changes to take effect.


See adminUsername above.


If you prefer not to enter your password in plaintext, you can generate an MD5 hash of it using utf-8 encoding, BASE64 encode it, and enter it here instead of zulu.adminPassword. If both values are entered, the zulu.adminPasswordHash will take precedence.

Zulu will need to be restarted for changes to take effect.


Zulu uses this value when evaluating events in FileMaker. Since FileMaker does not store any time zone information, Zulu applies this time zone value to the date and time values it receives from FileMaker. If this value is empty, Zulu will use the time zone of the system it is installed on.

You can optionally specify a TimeZone for this application. The default value is whatever time zone the computer running Zulu is set to. This is useful if the computer running Zulu is in a different time zone than most of your users. See here for the list of valid timezone names: http://joda-time.sourceforge.net/timezones.html

Zulu will need to be restarted for changes to take effect.


This controls the url that is displayed when calendars are published. This should only be changed in unusual cases.

Zulu will need to be restarted for changes to take effect.


Change this parameter to true to enforce strict one way syncing for newly created configurations. Strict one way syncing will revert events back to how they are in FileMaker if there are any changes made in the calendar application.

Zulu will need to be restarted for changes to take effect.


Change this parameter to false to prevent Zulu from attempting unauthenticated requests. This will also prevent Zulu from using the default credentials jdbc.username and jdbc.password above.

Zulu will need to be restarted for changes to take effect.


This is for internal use and should generally not be changed


This is for internal use and should generally not be changed