Zulu - Quick Start

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Quick Start

  • Run the Mac or Windows Installer included with the download on the same machine running FileMaker Server. See here for more details: Zulu - Installation
  • Upload the Zulu2SampleData.fmp12 file to your FileMaker Server.
  • Open the hosted Zulu2SampleData.fmp12.
    • username: admin
    • password: admin
  • Go to the ZuluCalendarList layout
  • Press the "Publish" button
    • You will be prompted for the databases credentials, use the above credentials to log in

Apple Calendar

  • Set up your Apple Calendars with Zulu: Integrating With Apple Calendar
  • In those instructions, your parameters will be:
    • Server Path: /zulu/calendars/Zulu2SampleData
    • Username: admin
    • Password: admin

Google Calendar

Exchange Calendar