Template:Customer profiles

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Customer Profiles

Plastic features customer profiles, which allow you to submit customer and payment information to be reused for future transactions. This greatly simplifies PCI compliance, and keeps sensitive information out of your database. To get started, first you'll need to create a customer in the system. This will return an ID that you can then store. After that, attach a payment method to this newly created customer. This will return a payment ID, which together with the customer profile ID, you can run charges against.

To create a customer in the system, set the following:

Set Variable[$customerID; Value:
CCProfileCreateCustomer (

Returns: the customer profile ID used to reference the newly created profile if successful, or "ERROR" if there was a problem

Note: If you provide an empty string to customerId, the gateway will generate and return one.

After creating a customer, it can also be updated, deleted, or retrieved. Retrieving a customer will return the information the gateway has saved about the customer.

CCProfileUpdateCustomer CCProfileDeleteCustomer CCProfileGetCustomer
merchantAccountName merchantAccountName merchantAccountName
txKey (empty string) txKey (empty string) txKey (empty string)
customerId customerProfileId customerProfileId

Returns: 1 if successful, or "ERROR" if there was a problem

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