360Works PDF Plugin/Documentation

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360Works PDF Plugin User Guide

Plugin for filling out form data in a PDF.

Usage Summary / Quick Start

Use PDFLoad to load a file. This also returns a list of all fields, or "ERROR" if an error occurs.

Use PDFLastError to check for any errors during loading of the PDF File

Use PDFGetFieldValue ( fieldName ) to query for existing field values

Use PDFSetFieldValue ( fieldName ; fieldValue ) to set values

Finally, use PDFSave ( path ) to save the PDF to the hard drive, applying any new PDF form values. Path is optional. This returns the path to the newly saved PDF.

360Works Plugin Setup Guides

See Plugins_101 for Error reporting, installation, registration, and more.

Function Summary

  • PDFAddObject ( objectName { ; key1=value1 ; key2=value2 ; ... } ) —
  • PDFCreate ( { key1=value1 ; key2=value2 ; ... } ) — Create an empty PDF
  • PDFGetFieldValue ( field ) — Returns the value of a named field in the PDF form.
  • PDFLastError ( ) — Returns the last PDF-related error which occurred.
  • PDFLicenseInfo ( ) — Returns information about the license used.
  • PDFListFields ( sourcePDF ) — Returns a list of field names in the PDF.
  • PDFListValues ( sourcePDF ) — Returns a list of field values in the PDF.
  • PDFLoad ( pdfFile { key1=value1 ; key2=value2 ; ... } ) — Extracts all the form data from a PDF, returns a list of fields.
  • PDFPopulateForm ( sourcePDF ; keys ; values ) — Populates a PDF form with data.
  • PDFRegister ( licenseKey ; registeredTo ) — Registers the plugin.
  • PDFSave ( { path } ) — Creates a new PDF, using any form values set via the {@link #PDFSetFieldValue} function as data.
  • PDFSetErrorCapture ( errorCapture ) — Toggles error dialogs on or off.
  • PDFSetFieldValue ( field ; value ) — Set the value of a field in the PDF.
  • PDFSplice ( pdf ; pageNumbers { ; key1=value1 ; key2=value2 ; ...} ) — Extract some pages from a PDF document into a new PDF.
  • PDFVersion ( ) — Returns the version of the plugin which is installed.

Function Detail

PDFAddObject ( objectName { ; key1=value1 ; key2=value2 ; ... } )


PDFCreate ( { key1=value1 ; key2=value2 ; ... } )

Create an empty PDF

optional parameters
See also: PDFLoad
Returns: 1 on successful PDF creation, "ERROR" if there was an error

PDFGetFieldValue ( field )

Returns the value of a named field in the PDF form.

the name of a field in the form
See also: PDFSetFieldValue
Returns: the field value, or ERROR if there was no such field in the form.

PDFLastError ( )

Returns the last PDF-related error which occurred. This should be called any time that a plugin function returns "ERROR" to get a user-readable description of the error.

If there are data fields specified which don't match any field in the PDF, PDFLastError will return a list of fields which could not be set.

Returns: Error text, or "" if there was no error.

PDFLicenseInfo ( )

Returns information about the license used.

Returns: version and registered to info, or "ERROR" on failure.

PDFListFields ( sourcePDF )

Returns a list of field names in the PDF.

the PDF
See also: PDFListFields
Returns: return-separated list of values in the PDF form, or "ERROR" if something goes wrong.

PDFListValues ( sourcePDF )

Returns a list of field values in the PDF.

the PDF
See also: PDFListFields
Returns: return-separated list of values in the PDF form, or "ERROR" if something goes wrong.

PDFLoad ( pdfFile { key1=value1 ; key2=value2 ; ... } )

Extracts all the form data from a PDF, returns a list of fields.

PDF container or URL
See also: PDFCreate
Returns: return-separated list of all fields in the PDF

PDFPopulateForm ( sourcePDF ; keys ; values )

Populates a PDF form with data.

Error Handling

If there are data fields specified which don't match any field in the PDF, they will be logged as an error. Call PDFLastError to get a list of fields which could not be set.

If the source PDF cannot be read, or some other critical error occurs, "ERROR" is returned. Call PDFLastError for more info on this.

the container/path/url where the PDF to fill out is located
return-separated list of form field names to fill out
return-separate list of form field values to enter into the form. There must be the same number of keys and values.
Returns: a newly created PDF with the data applied, or "ERROR" if the operation could not be completed.

PDFRegister ( licenseKey ; registeredTo )

Registers the plugin.

a valid license key
the company the plugin is registered to
Returns: 1 on success, or "ERROR" on failure.

PDFSave ( { path } )

Creates a new PDF, using any form values set via the PDFSetFieldValue function as data. If no path is specified, the PDF is written to a temporary file.

The default behavior of this function is to return a container

The full path of the file or directory where the new PDF is to be written.
Returns: a file path pointing to the location of the new PDF

PDFSetErrorCapture ( errorCapture )

Toggles error dialogs on or off. When something unexpected happens, the plug-in will pop up a dialog displaying the error message. This makes it easy to see what went wrong. However, in some cases, you (the developer) may prefer to show your own message to the user, or possibly not show a message at all. In that case, you can call PDFSetErrorCapture with a parameter of true. That will suppress the error dialog from appearing to the user.

set to true to suppress the default popups.

PDFSetFieldValue ( field ; value )

Set the value of a field in the PDF.

the name of a field in the PDF form
the value to assign to the field when the PDF is saved
See also: PDFSave
Returns: 1 if the field was successfully set, or ERROR if there was no such field in the form

PDFSplice ( pdf ; pageNumbers { ; key1=value1 ; key2=value2 ; ...} )

Extract some pages from a PDF document into a new PDF. Pass this function a source PDF and some page numbers to extract and use in the new PDF.

The pageNumbers parameter should be a comma-separated list of page numbers or page number ranges.

Optional Parameters

The name given to the resulting PDF file
destination folder/path for the resulting file
The password used to encrypt the PDF file
Set Variable [ $newPDF ; PDFSplice (
    myTable::myContainer ; // sourcePDF
    "1, 10, 20-30" ;  // pageNumbers
    "filename=SplicedResult.pdf" // optional filename parameter
) ]

The original PDF
The page numbers to take from the original PDF when assembling the new PDF.
optional parameters
Returns: newly created PDF which contains the specified pageNumbers from the sourcePDF.

PDFVersion ( )

Returns the version of the plugin which is installed.

Returns: version, or "ERROR" on failure.