Installing Zulu

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Installation: Installing the plugin on your FileMaker Server


Servlet rather than a "plugin"

Zulu was introduced as both a traditional server-side plugin and as a small application (a servlet) for FileMaker Server. Newer versions of Zulu are only available as servlets because these offer a lot more configuration options. If you are currently running Zulu as a plugin, please uninstall the plugin and download the latest version of Zulu from the 360Works store 360Works Zulu

To install the servlet with FileMaker Server 12 or earlier, simply run the Windows Installer or Mac Installer that came packaged with your Zulu download.

Need more?

Upgrading to Server 12

If you have Zulu installed and are going to upgrade to FileMaker Server 12, then please uninstall Zulu before proceeding. Server 12 installs different Web Publishing components and this will prevent and conflicts.

Upgrading to Server 13

Zulu is compatible with FileMaker Server 13; however, the installer is not yet compatible. Until 360Works rolls out a compatible installer, please follow the directions below for manual installation. Before upgrading FileMaker Server, uninstall the current version of Zulu to prevent conflicts with the new Web Publishing components of FileMaker Server 13

Manual Installation

Users who have updated to FileMaker Server 13 or who need a more customized solution may need to perform a manual installation of the Zulu software. Zulu runs on your server as an Apache Tomcat application; therefore, it will require you to download and install the Apache Tomcat server application for your operating system (this may involve setting Tomcat up to start automatically with your system, as well as configuring your web server to forward traffic for Zulu to port 80).

You may also install Zulu in the Apache Tomcat instance that is already in use by the FileMaker Server Web Publishing Engine. This is not the recommended way to install and run Zulu, but will work and may be simpler for some users.

NOTE: If you have already updated to FileMaker Server 13 and you are having trouble getting the manual installation working properly, please contact 360Works support at (866) 662-9185

Installing in a standalone Apache Tomcat Server

  • Download and install Apache Tomcat 6.x from, for Windows make sure to download the installer
  • Follow Tomcat documentation for running Tomcat as server, for Windows make to make the service selection during installation
  • Start up Tomcat (this usually happens automatically when using the installer, otherwise you will need to run the Catalina shell script with a 'start' command).
Installing Zulu
  • Copy the Zulu.war file from the Installer Data folder into the $TOMCAT_HOME/webapps folder in your Tomcat instance.
  • (Tomcat 6) Modify the zulu.xml file located in the $TOMCAT_HOME/conf/Catalina/localhost/ folder.
  • (Tomcat 7) Modify the context.xml file located in the $TOMCAT_HOME/webapps/zulu/META-INF/ folder.
    • Specify your username and password on these two lines of the zulu.xml file:
      • <Parameter name="zulu.adminUsername" value="" override="false" />
      • <Parameter name="zulu.adminPassword" value="" override="false" />
  • If necessary for your configuration, set up URL forwarding from IIS / Apache to your Tomcat connectors. See Tomcat documentation on how to do this.

Installing in the FileMaker Server Web Publishing Engine

  • Be sure FileMaker Server is installed and running with XML Custom Web Publishing enabled.
Installing Zulu
  • Copy the Zulu.war file from the Installer Data folder into the jwpc-tomcat folder located at FileMaker Server/Web Publishing/publishing-engine/jwpc-tomcat/ (a Zulu folder will be created automatically when the .war file is dropped in place).
  • Now you should be able to access the Zulu sync admin splash page by visiting http://localhost:16020/zulu verify that you are able to successfully access this page.
  • (FMS13) Back in the jwpc-tomcat folder, navigate to jwpc-tomcat/zulu/META-INF/ and edit the context.xml
  • (FMS12) Back in the jwpc-tomcat folder, navigate to jwpc-tomcat/conf/Catalina/localhost/ and edit the zulu.xml
    • Specify your username and password on these two lines of the zulu.xml/context.xml file:
      • <Parameter name="zulu.adminUsername" value="" override="false" />
      • <Parameter name="zulu.adminPassword" value="" override="false" />
URL Redirection

NOTE: These instructions apply only to users installing inside the FMS13 Web Publishing Engine.


FileMaker Server 13 uses the URL Rewrite module of IIS to redirect traffic from the native HTTP Tomcat port 16020 to the standard web traffic port 80

  • Launch the IIS Manager, expand the Sites folder, then click on the FMWebSite site. You will see a collection of modules in the center pane of IIS Manager.
  • Double click the module that reads URL Rewrite.
  • In the right hand pane, click Add Rule(s) at the very top of the list of actions.
  • From here, choose Blank rule and press OK
  • Set up the rule to match the pattern for the requested URL using regular expressions.
  • Set the pattern as ^zulu(.*)
  • Scroll down to the action section and be sure the action type is set to Rewrite
  • Set the Rewrite URL as http://localhost:16020/zulu{R:1}
  • Be sure Append query string and Stop processing of subsequent rules are both checked, then apply the settings and test the the zulu URL in your browser (http://localhost/zulu)

Next Steps

Serve the Sample File

Confirm your installation and see Zulu at work by serving the Zulu Sample File on your server. You'll want to do this before adding Zulu to your own file.

Zulu Serving The Sample File