Installing Zulu Manually

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If you don't want to run the Zulu installer, you can also deploy Zulu into your own instance of Tomcat. This is written for advanced users only, but if you have problems, please let us know at support at and we'd be happy to help.

Instructions for installing with your own copy of Tomcat

Assuming you have installed your own Tomcat 6 server (version 7 is not currently supported), open the download of Zulu from our website. Go into the 'Installer data' folder and get the zulu.war file.

Copy the zulu.war file into the webapps directory for your Tomcat installation.

Wait about 20-30 seconds. Verify that the application installed correctly by checking the conf/Catalina/localhost folder, there should be a zulu.xml file there now that you can customize.

In the XML config file, enter a value for zulu.adminUsername and zulu.adminPassword to enable web-based administration. Users are normally asked to create this Admin username and password during the install process, but since you're not running the installer, you'll enter it directly into the config file.

At this point, Zulu is running on whatever your Tomcat port number is (8080 by default). You should be able to access it at http://serverIpAddress:8080/zulu

Instructions for installing within the FileMaker Web Publishing Engine

Assuming you have installed your own Tomcat server, open the download of Zulu from our website. Go into the 'Installer data' folder and get the zulu.war file.

Copy the zulu.war file into FileMaker Server/publishing-engine/cwpe-tomcat/bin folder.

Wait about 20-30 seconds. Verify that the application installed correctly by checking the conf/Catalina/localhost folder, there should be a zulu.xml file there now that you can customize. If this doesn't work, try stopping and starting the Web Publishing Engine.

In the XML config file, enter a value for zulu.adminUsername and zulu.adminPassword to enable web-based administration. Users are normally asked to create this Admin username and password during the install process, but since you're not running the installer, you'll enter it directly into the config file.

At this point, Zulu is running, although it is not accessible through Apache/IIS. To enable the web server to communicate with it, follow these steps:

OS X: FileMaker Server/Admin/admin-helper/WEB-INF/conf/mod_jk.conf

We need to add these lines to the file:

JkFmMount /zulu cwpe
JkFmMount /zulu/* cwpe

Restart Apache, either graphically in the OS X Server admin / System preferences, or by restarting the computer, or using this terminal command: 'sudo apachectl restart'

Windows: FileMaker Server/Admin/admin-helper/WEB-INF/conf/

Add these lines:


Restart IIS, either graphically in the services admin panel, or by restarting the computer, or using this batch command: 'IISReset'

Zulu should now be accessible at http://serverIpAddress/zulu

Running multiple instances and custom names

If you wanted to run multiple instances of Zulu in a single Tomcat application, or wanted to customize the name of the installation, the procedure is identical to the above, given the a few caveats. Multiple installations must have unique install names. First, rename the war file before dragging it into the FMS directory. Once this is copied over, the application will deploy with that name, and an XML file with that name will show up in the Catalina configuration. Once completed, edit the web server configuration with the same custom name instead of "zulu" used in the instructions above. Repeat these steps for each unique name, appending to configuration files where necessary.

Please also note that you will need to update your Publish script's variables, the one you import into your file, with the new custom name.