Zulu Contact Groups

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Note: Zulu's Contact Sync is Back in Beta

Regretfully, we've just never been able to get the contact sync in Zulu to be reliable with Google Contacts. Some of this is that Google Contacts is changing and some if that contacts are inherently more complicated than calendar events (the calendar sync in Zulu is rock solid). So until we can get this rock solid we're demoting the contact sync to Beta and no longer supporting it.

We'll continue playing with this here but won't be able to help customers try and get it working: it just isn't reliable enough. At this point we don't have an ETA as to when this feature may be available again, if ever. Believe me, we wanted this to work as bad as you did.


Google Contacts lets you categorize your contacts into groups and Zulu supports this. Groups are expressed as a value list in Zulu so that a contact may belong to one or more groups. You can create new groups in Google and/or in FileMaker where groups are records in the ZuluGroups table you'll add to your file.

Details about to get the most out of groups follow below.

Groups Value List

The "Groups" tab on the ZuluContacts layout shows the _id_Group field which is formatted to use the "ZuluGroups" value list, formatted as checkboxes. You can see how this is supposed to look by visiting this ZuluContacts layout in our sample file.

When moving this to your file, you'll need to create the ZuluGroups value list and then format this _id_Group field to use that value list.

Here is how your value list should look (note that this makes reference to the ZuluContactGroups table, so be sure you've added that first as part of Zulu's integration:

Adding value list

Working with Groups

Once you have the ZuluGroups value list working, you'll see one checkbox for each group: for each record in ZuluContactGroups. You can use these checkboxes to add a contact to a group and these changes will be reflected in Google upon the next sync. Similarly, adding a contact to a group in Google will show in this checkbox field.

You can create new groups either in FileMaker or in Google. In FMP, simply create a new record in the ZuluContactGroups table. In Google, click the little "plus two people" button above the list of groups. Note. Google does not support syncing groups. So when you see your Google Contacts on your iPhone, you'll only see one group: those contacts that are in "My Contacts". You can use Access Privileges to sync just your contacts to your Google Account and that may help.

My Contacts

Google treats the "My Contacts" group a little differently, and thus so does Zulu. My Contacts is the only group whose members are synched with your iPhone. So Zulu automatically adds all your contacts to this group. You can remove contacts from this groups by unchecking the My Contacts entry in the Groups vallue list described above.