Zulu Security

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Getting Setup with Zulu: InstallingInstalling as ServletInstalling the Plugin VersionZulu Google SetupIntegrating your file • ‎Zulu Sync • ‎Serving the Sample FileRegistrationInstalling Zulu Manually
About Zulu The big pictureLimitationsRequirementsDifferences between servlet and pluginHostingSecurity
Troubleshooting TroubleshootingTesting ConfigurationsUmlautsURLs Used By ZuluUpdatingLogs
Google Sync with Google • ‎Sharing a Google CalendarGoogle ContactsGoogle ResetAppointment Slots
Calendars Repeating EventsDate Ranges • ‎Read Only CalendarsDeleting EventsInvitationsSwitching CalendarsMultiple CalendarsPropertiesSee it in iCalMy site
Contacts Contact GroupsContacts IntegrationsRelated Contact FieldsAddress BookZulu Phone Fax Email
Does Zulu work with... AndroidBlackberryMultiple MachinesOutlookMobileMeiPhone
Extra Credit Adding FieldsTime ZonesDuplicating RecordsCalc FieldsAccess PrivledgesRefreshFilteringPost Editing ScriptsAlarms and notifications

How can I secure my records?

When working with your FileMaker table, Zulu needs to be able to edit the record in order to assign a UUID, so you may want to employ field level restrictions to editing rather than prohibit editing in general. Or, if you do use a read-only account, make sure a user who can edit the records, visits the records from iCal periodically.

When publishing your calendar(s) you'll be offered URLs to read only connections and you can of course use those instead if all your events should be read only.

More here: access privileges

Can Zulu use SSL?

The plugin version of Zulu currently does not support SSL connections, but the more recent servlet version does. So if your server is configured to use SSL, the servlet version is for you. To use SSL with Zulu you need to accomplish 4 things:

1. Make sure your server is configured to use SSL. This is the web server component of your FileMaker Server. If you don't know how to do this, ask your server administrator.
2. Edit the zulu.xml file here...

...changing "false" in the following line to "true":

<Parameter name="jdbc.ssl" value="false" override="false" />
3. In the same file, edit this line, replacing "localhost" with the IP address of your server, or the qualified domain name / FQDN (Fully Qualified Domain Name) "somename.com".
<Parameter name="jdbc.host" value="localhost" override="false" />
The value to enter here is the one where you can see XMl in the "dbnames" URL test described in "Is it your server?" here.
4. Edit the "publish" script in your file so it uses https instead of http. Recent versions of the publish script have this as a setting right at the beginning of the script. Then run the publish script.
That's it. You can then use https... in the urls you use for your iCal accounts.