Zulu See it in iCal

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Using Lion?

If you're using iCal in Lion (the very latest Mac operating system) you have to do things a little differently. Please read the instructions below for an overview then see how folks are getting this to work with Lion on our support forums.

How do I add a FileMaker Calendar to iCal?

Adding accounts on OS X El Capitan

1. Open iCal and select Accounts... from the Calendar menu.

2. Scroll to the bottom of the account types list and choose "Add Other Account..."

3. Select the radio button next to "Add a CalDAV account" and press "Create..."

4. Switch the "Account Type" combo box from Automatic to Manual

5. Enter the FileMaker username you wish to use to access the calendar in the "User Name" field.

6. Enter the corresponding password for the FileMaker account in the "Password" field

7. Enter the complete server address as shown on the "Published..." page you arrive at after clicking the "publish" button in your file. This address looks like the following (Note: no "http://" at the beginning):


Do NOT forget the slash at the end of the filename

8. Press "Create" and switch back to Calendar to see your events populate.

Adding accounts on OS X Mavericks and Yosemite

Follow the instructions for Mavericks and Yosemite above, except for step 7, your URL should look like this:


Do NOT forget the slash at the end of the filename, or the http:// in front of the ip address.

8. Press "Create" and switch back to Calendar to see your events populate.

Adding accounts on legacy OS (Mountain Lion and previous)

1. Open iCal and select "Preferences" from the iCal menu.

2. Click on the "Accounts" tab and the click the plus sign in the lower left to create a new account.

3. Select "CalDAV" as the account type, and enter the username and password you use to log into FileMaker. This doesn't have to be a full access account, but the account has to have XML publishing access and meet a few other requirements.

4. Enter the complete server address as shown on the "Published..." page you arrive at after clicking the "publish" button in your file. (This is step 7 in our integration instructions.) This address looks like:


Do NOT forget the slash at the end of the filename, or the http:// in front of the ip address.

5. You may a warning about an unsecured connection-- this is because your server isn't set up to use SSL. You can learn more about that here, but click "Continue" for now to set up add the calendar to iCal.

6. That's it. You'll be back on the preferences' Account screen where you can give the server a name in the Description Field. Then close the preferences window and you'll see iCal start loading your calendar(s).

Watch it

Watch a longer video showing how to set Zulu up and introducing some basic filtering. If you're having trouble creating a Zulu account in iCal, this can help: video.


iCal can be kind of picky, so be patient and check for the following issues...

When you first enter a new calendar in ical it can take a while for iCal to process it: especially is this is the first time the FileMaker file has been hit by iCal. iCal may time out before it reads all the events the first time. Give it some time and refresh the calendar in iCal a couple times. It will eventually get all the way through the events and display them.

Note that iCal won't work with a blank username or password.

You may get a message regarding the dates or date range of some of the records. If this happens you likely have FileMaker records where the end date is before the start date. Find the offending records by hand in FileMaker, fix the records, then delete and reenter the calendar in iCal following the steps above.